If you deserve a place at the table or if you don't. Singing, as it turns out, is the best way to gauge if you are sentient or not. Once intergalactic civilization finds you, you must sing. It turns out, new species petitioning for sentience don't really have a choice in the matter. At least, not until aliens came to Earth.

Tragedy struck in the form of the loss of one band member, Mira Wonderful Star, and the band hasn't been together since. A former rock star, Decibel used to be frontman to rock trio Decibel Jones and the Absolute Zeros. Enter our protagonist, the "ethereal glamtrash satyr" Decibel Jones. Those are some pretty big stakes to set up at the start of our story, and Valente, in her characteristic style, does so beautifully. Any beings petitioning for sentience who fall into last place are exterminated. If a petitioner species doesn't get last place, they are welcomed into intergalactic civilization.

Yes, all sentient and petitioning sentient beings must participate in a song contest every year. That peace relies on a spectacular demonstration every year in the form of a song contest, the Metagalactic Grand Prix. A recent Sentience War has resulted in a shaky peace between all the major civilizations across the galaxy. It can't stand not happening." And all this intergalactic life has run into each other and made a bit of a mess of things. In Space Opera's universe, "Life wants to happen.